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Planning: Ukraine, Summer 1941 |
I have amassed a fairly large collection of World War Two figures and vehicles over the past decade. Having recently sold all my 15mm items I am left with 20 and 28mm from which to chose. Due to a number of reasons (not least the commonality of "scale" with my ImagiNation terrain) I think I will most probably opt for the latter.
As the thorny issue of scale has been broached, I will get it out of the way at the very start! Unusually, I flip-flop a bit in this area. It is patently obvious that 1:48 / 1:50 is technically too large for a realistically proportioned figure of 28-30mm height. However the majority of 28mm figures are caricatures having heads and hands that are overscale and a physique that is too stocky. Thus I would summarise my approach to be a pragmatic - "If it looks OK then go with it"
My plans for the Kampfgruppe are modest. A couple of Sdkfz.251 halftracks, a Marder III and a Kübelwagen should do the trick. Perhaps if I am feeling flush I will work in a Panzer IV G as well. The period I will be modelling is the winter of 1943/4 and the theatre Western Ukraine/Galicia. Dark days for the Ostheer but very interesting from a gaming and model-making perspective.
For infantry, I suspect I will use the large number of unpainted Artizan types I have lying around supplemented with some of Bolt Action Miniatures' plastics. I am not a great fan of the BAM metals as they seem to be a disparate bunch - some showing great sculpting whilst others look very odd. That said, I haven't really been perusing WW2 ranges lately and things may have improved under Warlord's ownership.
Anyway, that's a fair summary of the plan. The terrain is being worked on in conjunction with that of my other project - simple "Isbas" (peasant houses) and a few outbuildings. These I intend to make into masters for casting but that is a different story.
To follow, postings describing the models to be used - then a new feature that should prove popular...
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